Episode 70

New FTA Administrator, drug testing for TNCs, no smoking means less crime, and it was a Super Transit Super Bowl

 Welcome to your Transit Unplugged News Minute.

Former New York Congressman Marcus Molinaro has been tapped to become the next administrator of the Federal Transit Administration. He has served on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Source: Gothamist

The FTA has released a Notice of Proposed Policy Statement, requiring transportation network companies like Uber and Lyft to comply with drug and alcohol testing regulations if they have a contract to provide services to transit agencies. Public comments are being accepted through February 13th. Source: FTA

Metro Transit in Minnesota reports that crime has dropped 6 percent and is being connected to the agency's crackdown on smoking. Source: Mass Transit

And New Orleans Regional Transit Authority rolled out a new service plan called “Roll to the Bowl” to ensure everyone could seamlessly travel with the Super Bowl in town. Source: WDSU

The Transit Unplugged News Minute is being brought to you by Modaxo.


The new FTA administrator has been named, the FTA wants drug and alcohol


tests for TNC drivers, transit crime has dropped in Minnesota after a smoking


crackdown, and New Orleans RTA delivered Super Transit for the Super Bowl.


Welcome to your Transit Unplugged News Minute.


Former New York Congressman Marcus Molinaro has been tapped to become


the next administrator of the Federal Transit Administration.


He has served on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.


The FTA has released a Notice of Proposed Policy Statement, requiring transportation


network companies like Uber and Lyft to comply with drug and alcohol testing


regulations if they have a contract to provide services to transit agencies.


Public comments are being accepted through February 13th.


Metro Transit in Minnesota reports that crime has dropped 6 percent


and is being connected to the agency's crackdown on smoking.


And New Orleans Regional Transit Authority rolled out a new service


plan called “Roll to the Bowl” to ensure everyone could seamlessly


travel with the Super Bowl in town.


This Transit Unplugged News Minute is being brought to you by Modaxo.


I'm Julie Gates.

About the Podcast

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Transit Unplugged Weekly News Minute with Julie Gates
The top transit headlines that matter in less than a minute

About your host

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Julie Gates

Director of the Modaxo Americas Media Group and Award-Winning Media Personality